Salifert Trace Soft – Specially formulated for soft / leather corals and limestone alg
Can be mixed with Salifert Trace Hard.
With trace elements we usually mean elements present in natural seawater in a concentration lower than about 1 mg / l or ppm. Some of these elements are essential to enable many biological processes.
Manganese, for example, is essential for photosynthesis and many related biochemical reactions. Some organisms require iron to contain essential nutrients.
Cobalt is essential for the formation of various coral pigments.
Zinc , like manganese, is essential for photosynthesis and is also essential for the formation of calcium carbonate through corals.
DKK 71,75
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Product not in stock - Estimated backorder time: 14 days
These are just a few examples. Our research has shown that some trace elements are depleted very quickly (eg manganese), while other elements slowly drain out. An example of a track element that is hardly depleted is molybdenum. In spite of that, many trace element supplements contain significant amounts of molybdenum. This results in a far too high concentration of molybdenum which stimulates the growth of unwanted cyanobacteria. We therefore remembered adding molybdenum to our supplements. About Salifert Trace Soft Our research has shown which trace elements are consumed and at what rate. Although each aquarium is different, we have succeeded in designing a trace element supplement that adds enough trace elements to thawing corals but prevents overdose.
The main difference between trace element is between hard corals and soft / leather corals and calcified weeds. We therefore specially designed a trace element mix for hard corals (Trace Hard ™) and a soft / leather coral and calcined weed (Salifert Trace Soft). Both can be combined based on the estimated ratio of aquarium residents. In this way a substantially perfect formulation of trace elements for different aquariums has become available. Additional recommendations Our natural iodine ™ is recommended to supplement the full range of trace elements.
Directions for use Salifert Trace Soft
Dose 5 ml per 100 liter once a week. When combined with Trace Hard, the total dose (ml Trace Soft + ml Trace Hard) may not exceed 10 ml per 100 liters.
Active ingredients: manganese, iron, copper, zinc, vanadate, fluoride, barium, selenate.
Keep out of reach of children. In case of contact with eyes rinse with plenty of water. Only for aquarium hobby use. Not for human consumption (directly or indirectly)!