Maxspect Nano-Tech Clear Cubes are tourmaline-based cubes that possess unique water-clarifying abilities. The Nano-Tech Clear Cubes dissolve, dissociate and break down dissolved organic matter (DOM) present in the water, eliminating the yellowish tint from the water column thus keeping it clearer in the aquarium for a very long time.
DKK 198,48
Product not in stock - Estimated backorder time: 14 days
Product not in stock - Estimated backorder time: 14 days
Nano-Tech Clear Cubes are not granular activated carbon or GAC-like absorbers, which tend to saturate after a few days or a week.
Nano-Tech Clear Cubes have much longer lasting effectiveness and keep aquarium water crystal clear for much longer.
Nano-Tech Clear Cubes also help fight cyanobacteria and other harmful bacteria/fungals in an aquarium.